We, as Christians, believe that God is, that He is truth, and that the Bible is His unerring Word.

Part of that understanding is that Christ Jesus, while he was on the earth, chose men from among His disciples who would be special ambassadors for Him, and that they were the ones who would continue to spread His Word and teach His law to mankind after he was gone. We call them the Apostles.

These men were commissioned by Jesus to complete the work of revealing the plan of God:

These apostles (the word literally means ambassador) were given special credentials for their work: continuing revelation of God’s word. They were qualified by the close association they had with Christ and by His specific selection of these men so that they could be witnesses of His resurrection to the world. These men were given the ability to work signs and wonders (miracles) as proof of their credentials to show their audience that they spoke for God. This office came with a great deal of authority, and the apostle Paul was zealous in his defense of his own position as an apostle because of this:

In the New Testament, the concept of God’s revelation to man goes hand-in-hand with the apostles and the men who were closely associated with them, who were also used as prophets (the word literally means “mouthpiece”), like Mark (also called John Mark, traveling companion of both Paul and Peter) and Luke (physician and author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, also a friend and traveling companion of Paul):

The church in the New Testament was built under the authority of the apostles, who in turn received their authority from Christ Jesus, to teach His laws, not their own:

Also key to our understanding of the Scriptures is that under this authority the apostles gave commandments to the church and were set in order by them. That is, the apostles gave the church, from Christ, the rules by which it should behave and govern itself:

Thus, we can see the importance and function of the apostles in the New Testament church, and we can see that if anyone would claim to be a Christian according to Biblical teaching, he must do so in accordance with the teaching of the apostles. Even after these men died, in reading the literature of the Christians in the late first century and early second century, we discover that whenever they were debating a point of doctrine or law, the first question they would always ask is this: What did the apostles say about it? It is that mindset which we at the Monterey Peninsula church of Christ cling to, as we pattern ourselves after the church described in the New Testament.

(All Scripture quotations taken from the English Standard Version unless otherwise noted; emphasis belongs to the author)

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