Our Worship
Our worship is heart-felt and BIble-based, just as Jesus said it should be (John 4:24). The Christians here sing, pray, and take communion together every Sunday, with the goal of glorifying God and building each other up.
Our Fellowship
No man is an island, and nowhere is that more evident than at Monterey Peninsula church of Christ. We lean on each other — sharing our struggles, our victories, our hopes, and our fears — so that we can all grow towards Christ.
Our Focus
As much as we talk about our local church being about each other, the focus is ultimately on God and His Word. Everything you hear from our pulpit comes straight from the Bible, not our imaginations. That’s the only way to become true disciples.

The Monterey Church is Founded on the Rock
In Matthew 7:24, Jesus told us that we should “build your house on a rock.” Why? Because the foundation is sure, and when the storms of life beat on the front door, your house will stand firm.
A house built on sand will never survive a hurricane. That’s why the monterey church builds our lives on the strongest foundation there is – Jesus.
Later, in Matthew 18, Jesus confesses Peter just like Peter had confessed Jesus, and says that “upon this rock I will build my church.”
That rock of confession — proclaiming Jesus as Lord – is what our life as Christians is built on. We agree with Him that He is Lord, and build our lives around that principle.
When we build our lives on Him, the Rock of our Salvation, we build our lives on a solid foundation that can weather anything.
Want to build with us?
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CloseTalon Gaskins - January 12, 2025
Acts 28 | A Little Goes A Long Way
The finale of the Acts of the Apostles series
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Monterey Church Blog

How to Be Saved According to the Bible
This is another very good question. And as always, what matters is not what men say about this, but what God says about the issue. So with that in mind, let us direct our attention to what the Scripture says. The first thing that must

A Word from Our Preacher
“I started at the Monterey Peninsula church of Christ at the beginning of 2023, and already I feel like I’m a part of the family here. I may be the one in the pulpit, but I know growing as a Christian and as a Church is a collective effort, I love being a part of the church here, and I would love the opportunity to introduce you to them!”
– Talon Gaskins
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No matter what you need, the Monterey church is here for you. We would be happy to pray for you, study with you, or answer any questions you may have for us. Just use the form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!